Wake Up! You're Alive (2025)

i liked the book

it wasn't crammed with info.. on the contrary it had five or 6 messages it wanted to deliver
and it did.. beautifully, along with amazing stories

what i mostly loved about this book is that it talks about the spiritual stuff from the perspective of a doctor.. the one practical person who deals with tangible elements... it is so over whelming
i loved his perspective about the spiritual world
about how stress, worry and all the negative feelings can turn from an emotion into a felt and touched symptom and into a chronic disease...

here's some paragraphs that i liked and highlighted while i was reading...

"... most of us aren't in a come, but we arent fully awake and enjoying life. we're puzzled and frightened. we feel the ground slipping away under our feet as values, morals, and ethics change. we shudder to see traditional support groups melt away. we suffer the effects of personal and economic woes."

" they felt overwhelmed by life, and they gave up living..."

"... they lived because they refused to die."

"... i have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life."

"there is a very strong relationship between thoughts and disease".

"in wain you have used many medicines, there is no healing for you"

"the human mind and body are one and the same, different aspects of the same whole you. unhappy thoughts are invariably reflected as disease of the body. but happy thoughts encourage a healthy body.
this is a basic law"

"we devour the ice cream bar and throw away the stick, just as we do with our relationships".

( you are your worse enemy)

" geography doesnt determine whether or not you are happy. happiness depends on you"

"if the problem is within you, so is the solution"

" its possible to change perceptions, attitude and beliefs, to change them for the better. and when your thoughts become positive, distress melts away."

" people and events are only a stimulus: you decide to react by becoming mad, happy, angry or loving. remember: you are the only one who is thinking the thoughts that fill your head."

" our world is not always a pleasant place"

"if we cant always change the world, we can change our attitudes".

" you are the only one thinking in your head. you, and only you determine how you will react to events."

"every negative thought they think harms their health, shakes their peace of mind, disrupts their love life and personal relationships, and contributes to their failure at school, work and life in general."

"the best medicine isnt in a bottle. its inside your head."

"the five virtues: enthusiasm, belief, love, forgiveness, perseverance. "

"none are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm."

"enthusiasm is the bounce in your step, the bright smile on your face, and the joy in your heart"

"to be enthusiastic is to be "enthose", full of god. since god is love, to be enthusiastic is to be full of love for life."

"as adults we tend to become bored by life... we forget how to be enthusiastic as we focus in on the unpleasant parts of life."

" be delighted and enthused by thingsm both common and rare."

" endorphins, the " morphine within.. with good enthusiastic thoughts alone, you can turn the endorphins faucet with open!"

"you're not depressed. you're unimpressed."

" according to your beliefs so shall you be treated." believe you're healthy.

"if your eye is pure, there will be sunshine in your soul, but if your eye is clouded with evil thoughts and desires, you are in deep spiritual darkness."

"you are important because you are alive"

"my belief in myself makes me ten times as smart and ten times as strong as iam".

" if you knew you couldnt fall your spirit would always be looking for success-and you would find it"

"the light of your spirit is barely flickering"

"love of others begins with your love for yourself. it is impossible to freely love others if you do not love yourself."

" love is a basic necessity, just like vitamins and minirals. without love, the spirit turns cold and the immune system shrivels up."

"when you have goodly amounts of self-esteem, you can admit your mistakes and failings without undue guilt."

"placing great expectations and heavey conditions upon her love, naturally she was disappointed...
love freely. love with no strings attached. give love with nothing looked for in return. when you've learned to love like this, you'll be rewarded many times over with health, joy and love".

"you dont have to reward the people who harmed you. you dont have to love them. you certainly dont have to thank them for hurting you. all you have to do is forgive them. its so simple. and so important."

" forgiveness has nothing to do with them, but everything to do with you. forgiveness is a way of making sure you're not harboring any of the destructive feelings that sape your health and happiness"

"divide the feelings from the facts. mentally put the facts in one pile, the feelings in another. push your feelings right over the side of a cliff. then turn your mind to the facts. will they help you in the future? if not, then get rid of them as well.. if they will. then file them away in your mind for future reference. free of any emotion attached"

"who is without sin? who can cast the first stone? only the dead can confidently say they will never sin again. the rest of us can only do our best."

"forgive them, else you condemn yourself to a mind filled with hate, a body filled with dangerous high voltage chemicals and a lifetime of disease and unhappiness."

" god will never forgive you-because god never condemned you. you condemned yourself. god's not punishing you. you're punishing youself with guilt."

"throughout life you'll find many doors barring your way. keep knocking. the worst that can happen is they say "no".

" looking at the negativeness is one of the main reasons why people give up!"

"have a stick-to-it-ness courage"

"you think winners are made? you're right. you know who makes them winners? they do. by themselves."

"the lessons of perseverance. 1- never give in.. 2- concentrate on the positive.. 3- make a challenge out of your difficulty"

"goals are things of conditions for which we stive. purpose organizes and gives meaning to your goals."

" many unhappy people have many goals but little or no purpose"

"goals are the steps carrying you forward. purpose tells you where you're going and why."

"the goal-aholic grabs for goals like a gying man gasping for breath. but in the abscence of purpose. goals have little meaning."

"purpose without goals leads to a chasm forming between your desires and your perceived abilities. frustration and anger builds up as you come to see yourself as a failure."

"success is in the journey not the destination"

"goals are the stepping stones and purpose in your ultimate destinations"

"i see purpose"

"life's a banquet but most poor bastards are starving."

"you're never angry for the reason you think you are"

"develop a shining vision of joy"

"dont worry about the bad it'll take care of itself."

Wake Up! You're Alive (2025)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.