Amarillo Daily News from Amarillo, Texas (2024)

I THE UNITED STATES TESTING COMPANY has this 10 say about skirta, We feel that the pleats in the "Nylura" sample satisfactorily withstood 50 handwashing wreatments without showing appreciable alteration fear their original condition." 1 1 PACE TWELVE PIURYTON, Aug. 24 (5pcclal) -An enrollment of 1,050 studenta ch Monday, l'errylon Sept. schools ARCH an Gilbert Mize has announced. Fourtecn new teachers have been cmployed, Suncrintendent Mire said, and 35 former the faculty will return to flicir Jobs, Now teachers arc Mrs. .0 Ward.

FI College, graduate 10 of Southwestern Hinte Oklahoma; Mra. Davis, West Texns Sinte College; Jack Dunham, Samn State College; Mrs. Ruler Drunt, Panhandle A College: Jack Durshnin, Sam Houston State: EILSims. Nortis Texas Slate: P. N.

Baylor Univer. siLy; Miss Clyneth Armstrong. Texns Tech: Miss Elizabeth Orals, Texas Tech; John Baylor: MIss PAPace, Texas State College for Women; Miss Perla Dudley, HardinHimmanns Unlversity, and Wrsley Cox, Ablicuc Christian College. Scvernl building are projects Al'D In progress or have recently been completed on the Perryton campus. The football stndlum, destroyed by a tornado In May, is being rCbullt.

to offer souting 3,050. Centrat Texas Iron Works of Waco 55 the contractor. A 1-Treat the cyclone is being bull around Arounts and 4-fool ayclone fence around the playing field. A brick field is alefer construellon and the field BedtIng systen: lins been nvorknuder. Russell of Perryton la contractor for the dicid Joh aarl Kchell 4g trie bad the contraot for the Ughting system project.

A new finished last. scar, will gel a full work during coming term. "The nucl*torlum will scat 1,221 persons. 'The gymnasium, completest nt LI1C ns the auditorlum, has a lime Ing CApacity of 1,000. The provides complete dressing room IncliItles tor both boys ad girls.

the new K.VM will make possible an physical education program for bolh Junior and schlor high scuoal staldents. Other improvements include Arngress 011 of the school grounds. Perryton School To Open Sept. 4 Underpass Being Built at Stinnett STINNETT, Aug. 24 (Special) The Stinuelt underpass non under construction is scheduled to be pleted April 1051, approxImated.

cost Is $250.000. General contract wan awarded by the Texas I0ghway Department 10 Bell-Braden Construction Company. of Amarillo. Work begun duly 24. The underpass 15 Belak consuueteci under the tracks of the Rock Island Railroad one mile south at the Ilighways 117 and courthouse, and feet from 152, 20, wtt be 2,0000 toot tong and 8:1 leet wide.

Six hundred feet of storm sewerage for underpass daaluage bas been Jald 31 fect deep to carry water train underpass to a draw. west of the highway. A 3,:100 font detour, 120 feet west of the present highway, will ready for carly next week. .1 Virgil J. McGee.

resident engineer of the State Highway Department, And M. C. Schultz, foreman for Bell- -Braden are In charge. O. 8.

Olson is Flock Island section foreman. Truman Hits at Loan to Franco WASHINGTON, Aug. 34 IU.PIhis President Truman today espressed dislike of congressional 10 order A 100 million collar to Spain. Provision for the Joan is CONtained In the big onandbus appropriations hill being worked out Senate and House anpropriations commitices conferces, The Economic Cooperation Administration would 11.5e 100. million dollars of lis funds for the loan, Mr.

Truman expressed his dislike at a news conference. Er bas previously that he thinks such Joan should be boneleel through lards export-import put up bank when collateral, the Spansproper Sco. Pal McCarran. Nevada Demnerat. sponsor the proposed sAId it could prove to br the Openstcp toward making Spall democrany.

During the past 30 years. he the western nations have clamped 8 "Quarantine" around Spain hAs made It impossible nation to chauga its ways. The flying squirrel is no hamemaker. But. says the 1950 annual of The Book ol Knowledge, cheefully approprinte home has heen tapped out of a tree by -working woodpecker.

In far- Alaska. the 1105 arc fond of playing dominoes with fat pieces of bone. When gambling spirit is running high, 15 said, men somatinies wager wives on the The Day's JURY REPORT FOR: Postal receipts permalu 12 8ckonl enrollment Bank deposits for the quarter ending June 30 6102.727.30G Traffic fatalities this yeAr Death certificales issued DISEASES For the week ending 19. tabulation FeD. 16.

mation at ppled by Potter County City of Amarillo Departments Denotes QuArantine diacares. Reported Tutal Trar DIseAse- This week to date Chicken POT. 358 Monsherla Dysentery. amor bic. Dysentery.

bacillary 14 Gonorrhea Influenza 1801 Malaria Measlsa 174 bums: 1300 Paratyphoid Ophthalmia Pellagra Pink Eye Fneumonla Roscola Scarlet Fever' Runhilly Undulant Freer Whoonine Couch die Area affected by All crade onen In ROod tepals, (HIGHWAY CONDITIONS Information supplied br the TOSAI Department: NO state or countr ronde In THE AMARILLO DAILY NEWS. AMARILIO, TEXA TOIDAY ADORNING, AUGUST 35. 1050 BROS. A featuring "NYLURA DRESSES fashion's most exciting news, especially for career girls! wash them by hand! hang to dry then wear! no ironing pleats stay in for as many as 50 washings! by of California 1-piece dress (left), 16.95 Blouse (right), 6.95 Skirt (right), 9.95 Here is the answer to your plea for a dark dress thot is neither a Summer sheer nor a Winter dress, but 0 year-through. It's a dress that is smart and eosy to care for 0 boon to coreer girls, especially! KORET fashioned them long 1iv said the loan, said.

that that hr'11 that 1 the it Reg. Their RECORDS AUTO Records F. lot WARRANTY E. Cooner block r1 1 el West to Lawn F. No.

1. 1.019• A 1950 Ford. Dodge, M. W. REGISTRATIONS Britain, de 1821 ut us 10 W.

D. Reddoch Fisk 51d. Co. 1412 Parking meter recelpte 2 Selling So Ford Glenwood. 1950 $4 779 P.

el 1x to Bra Duden- son, Victor Sta. GO meters En use 19S SAM 1050 Olds Sedan, B. 14. Morean. in 150 32.175 bcorter lut 2 block Colo 42 meters in M.

c. Kuskendel! ct Water Hughes. Myth 112 195 21.776 west IrREL 14 Itlerr Hoad 1050 Station la M. F. certificates Ian: re 221 Ciardens Davc.

1 Rio Grade. Wagon. 65 Water used Traffic accidents star 1h. The no gallons 1,150 11. A.

Nobles N. Black- Dallas 1050 NAAN: Tudor, James D. Rhodrs barn 1oc 11 block 1 (ilenwood. C. Senders 1950 Sundrbaker 5mlan.

P. 0. Hardin. ALARMS M. 19 ct block 31 to Bi Richard 1106 Hauten.

Ford. Alex F. ramps. Tie ham. IM For Thursday.

24-hour period ending AC 6 m1 J5 minck 2 Crest- 1950 Cadillac The I.or. Co. to Jolin FredSedan. A. And VIEw three.

Jr. 1102 N. in 7:45 TN Wednesdav, 15th A Polk. .1. F.

to krone Krenn int 28 1mr. 19.10 Dodar Club, 1). B. Dennis, PM 19 n.t A PA. Madison.

block 1 Falrview Town 1950 Sedan. 7. hack 7.13 Tos. Norman M. Harris SIX to Homer 2210 Parker.

C. false alarns Tack at 8:20 PM. 11:55 AM Thursday, 3604 Line, side lot 1 All lot 6 north 25.32° lot. south 7 block 24.36' 1D30 1 Donald AUtO MT. Then 14 Interest Lien al' Dal.

121 Supply 119 1:45 Thursday to North Mirror City of 1950 Pismouth Coupe, M- A Are. returned 2:44 Amallle to Fanchr Upshaw. Iron. Box 3022, PAr. Jr.

tract at north-' 1350 DeSolo, Guy 1'. Barnes. 1497 corner lot 1 block 142 Old Town, Jarkson. sce instrument. 1050 Pi) Tudor, AMARILLO RESIDENTS Lubbock.

Burt COURT Gerald! OF DOMESTIC Frank M. RELATIONS 1950 According to utilities divorre. cola. 3 Staucn Mox Warnn. F.

L. 2:17. phis. Stanley Hulaes. 2213 Zule.

from Corn Scott 1s W. Mao 1950 Ford Sellan S. MI. 3111 Tex. divorce.

Scott Virganda. A. C. 105 W. Central.

from Ju: la Mac Ford. Geo. D. Folkrs, 1112 W. 1050 Parndue.

Tex. Bond vs WIllAm D. Bond 16th. J. W.

Galesbs. 1806 Tannin. from 1950 Dodge. Maynard Sash Mary Co. Dox 20P.

de tour, CAnYon Claut Elam Jacch Bernice Pasty, 1001-B Haydrn. from Boule. Sirs. C. W.

Mills. 10.31 J. E. Shorn, 1614 Goliad. Gunter VA Hugh L.

1930 Doder Coupe. W. Rolle. Tex. Corn MASEr Gunter 1TOm Tulln.

3111; K. Struart, Bud Lubbock. Wheer. Alabania, from Ballin Doll Jor. Foll Ball Pontine Mary L511 3001 Ardan AI DewGraham alvorce.

1050 Ford. W. A. Dilly Barney Maryland, Scidman. 8.6 CORPORATION COURT Ruth Tre! Brown 16 Erntal Records As ol 4 Pat Thuradas.

Brows divorce, 1310 Van Suren. Sedan, S. T. 1050 Chevrolet Toin) trattle criminal fines 11064 74 divorce. Maxwoll "nuson, 1050 710 Buick N.

Sedan. Cleveland. Russell W. Mag-! Matte Maxwell 1A John W. Total in city JAt'.

0250 17 Hughra, Betty liughes YA Dorothy 1950 co Scean, Arsen A. '1511 moor, of wonderfut Nylura la magic blend of Nylon and acetate royon): wrinkle-resistant, shope-retaining, color fast. are -tested to stay in after many washings; look for the Blue Ribbon Guarontee. Both the 1-piece dress fleft) and the blouse and skirt (right), in black, brown, green, novy or gold; sizes 10 to 18. E.relusively Blackburn's 0 Sceond Floor mail and phone orders filled promptly Plmse send the following Nylurs Items: Dress: color.

Blouse: 2nd Skirt: 2nd Nome Eski- Address Cherge 0 Cosh 1 C.O.D, 1050 Cera cole1 Sedan. Amarillo WAre Co. 100 Grant. Hard-, ITO E. 611.

Snfeway 1050 Chevrolet Melton. :23 Pontiac Sudan Coupe. Alria M.I 1050 Pantlac Sudan, Ralph Cos. Ro-Piont. 11l4i 1930 Pontiac.

1. 1. Raucr. Route 2. War 1950 Mack Truck Tractor.

R. then, 2108 1360 Texas Pontiac. Care Horltine, El'a White. 211 N. (050 Ford.

Jaince P. n. .002 loin. 4650 Ruirk Tudor. Clarence 2012 Ritter INSTALLATIONS S101 lied be M.

Walker. 4211 Tenoria Ins. 405 Monrec. It E. Oatiln.

3400 Llosromh. Haven Cirele. West Haven Park WAGE Fred Chandler Steady. Furniture 1110 Valley View. Wrhh.

hnson. Irwis Vernice Pottr, 1273-18 Havarn. Newman. -R Pacramh. Stanlov Hulsev.

2215 Dule. Sirs. Cora Storrs. 1000 N. 1.r.cola.

Ant. J. Sharr. 1614 Goliad. Perior Co.

W. 7th. Bud WIser. 001.8 Ala ha 145 W. Central.

I. floiman. ROl Portal Raver Garrell 1101 Martin. 304 Drive. L.

Kuhter. 1500. Hal JI. Hanna. West Haven.

T.rc R. Williamson, 1320 Fill more. No. 12 Autor Co. No.

2. 1021 E. 10th. J. Ona.

Jar La D. Me F. vin Belt. 4237 W. 15th.

5.11 Forest. Its Paint Co. LEnI W. 1h. Sol A.

W. 4 James Owens. Ave I No. 250G: C. Nostitt.

2615 Johnston. bil -D Neville. 1200. ending at 6 PM yesterday: None. Scott.

750 N. two 'To For 901 N. Arthur. Date- Sinnih For Stevenson. 720 Short.

DATA I Totals. this year 1.28 Year Totals. last. yeas 1.47 14.52 Furnished by L.P Texas for perlod 19.81 TRANSFERS Commission. 323 Wrat Enventh.

nt tr.c 2.73 14.96 utiles close of busines torday. METER Supriled 3602 Jack H. Ada 1001 from. C. Manas.

310 from 1961 from M. Crawford. 4215 Traser. Willare Tom 2202 Firmer. from A Brans, Taylor.

T. W. an. 2222 Onc. from 2601 Harden 007 w.

b. Madison 1503 Flilmore. (rom' A. 119 -10 Adams fren Nw Lewis. 207-B Rusk.

fron. 2915 4th Allen T. Linder. 4210 Monzer. fror: Paris.

300 N. Virginia from EA 210-B F. Smith. 4121 Tririe, from A 18ch. PERMITS At No.

rlose 2556: of buslness Thursdas. erts Otis 2604 5. Roh. acid totall 2557: Frank Shlelds. 9092 NW No.

2nd. stores. 5Am conth. No 3400 8 2553: caric. 3020 $3.00.

fav. rouldenee nad No. No CATarr. 31.0,0 Grotein. Grady Rohhins.

351 N. 2560: additions. $850. 2r.rl. No.

2561: foundation. Mrs. Relate Jones 2.50.3 4500. Ida. No M.

Crouch. 1511 S. 41.200. No. Methodist 21A3: North Church.

Buchanan Street: indrittions. 540.000. 611 N. Buchanan. No.

1564: Welter DeVanev. 2410 9. Parker. residence and 114.000 No additions. 2565: $2.300.

Woody, 2820 NE ELM. Type nt wort Present Opening: Salmi. Mannertal. Ciendi Unskilled 5 Total Total for Today Month Vacancies Applications 21 447 Re terrals lister GF. 1263 Pincements 220 1750 conimleted 5.5 1213 Applicants positions: r.cod for followmeter aprictor auto mechante.

Compto: station press attendant. welders Ichlac encrater. operator. and milling RECORDS Pit For Thursdav. 24-hour roled ending AC 6 TEX.AS HOSPITAL.

To M5r. And Mrs. P. b. Sturkie.

2025 hoy, PM AMaRI1.0 OSTEOPATHIC: well, Dr. And Mrs. 4Dr. MAxday hos. 730 PM WednesTo Mr.

WASHINGTON and CENTER CLINIC A Weal Mira. C. Fritebir, 1021- dav 7th, A 1:30 PS PRECIPITATION Bureau. Data furnished by the 1:9 5' Amorin. Cather I Precipitattor.

the 21-hour prrlot Tucumcari Youths Aitend Conference Rov. TUCUMCARI. Ang, 21 (Spendal)Murphey, Tricumcart Presbyterian minister, and four young from prople pl the church returned today Artesia where they have been Wid. allending threeda: statrmeeting al the Westminster Fellowship of the Synod af New Mexico, Tucumenri pastor WAs A0- Nachless, -companie by Billy Baxter, Harold iam Mocker. Shirley BIAS and AirC.

CAPITATE The United States has had nine different comilals: York, Lancaster, Philadelphia in Pennsylvania: Prinecton TrenNow York: CLY, nut Dallimore, D. C. Washlugton, Betty Crocker's A PASTRY RECIPE AT YOUR FAVORITE GROCER,.

Amarillo Daily News from Amarillo, Texas (2024)


What is the name of the newspaper in Amarillo, Texas? ›

The Amarillo Globe-News is a daily newspaper in Amarillo, Texas, owned by Gannett.

What channel is CBS in Amarillo, Texas? ›

To navigate the map with touch gestures double-tap and hold your finger on the map, then drag the map. To navigate, press the arrow keys.

What was the population of Amarillo Texas in 1910? ›

By 1910 the population of Amarillo had grown to 9,957.

Why is Amarillo so popular? ›

Ride horseback in the second largest canyon in the country, take a photo with one of the most recognizable landmarks in Texas and go retro on historic Route 66. Welcome to Amarillo, where rugged cowboy culture meets big-city sophistication.

What is the largest newspaper in Texas? ›

Top 30 Newspapers in Texas sorted by circulation
1The Dallas Morning News146,484
2Houston Chronicle133,308
3Semana News115,000
4La Prensa de Houston106,000
26 more rows

What was Texas first newspaper? ›

The Daily News, formerly the Galveston County Daily News and Galveston Daily News, is a newspaper published in Galveston, Texas, United States. It was first published April 11, 1842, making it the oldest newspaper in the U.S. state of Texas.

What channel is Fox in Amarillo? ›

Channel 14 joined Fox when the network inaugurated programming on October 9, 1986.

Who owns KFDA Amarillo? ›

It is owned by Gray Television alongside Borger-licensed Telemundo affiliate KEYU (channel 31).

What channel is NBC on in Amarillo? ›

KAMR-TV (channel 4) is a television station in Amarillo, Texas, United States, affiliated with NBC.

What food is Amarillo known for? ›

Because of our rich history in cattle ranching, Amarillo Texas is a city known for steaks and barbeque. However, in recent years the different varieties of Amarillo food becoming popular throughout our great city has changed and is growing every day! First off, we've got the classic Tex-Mex.

What is the racial makeup of Amarillo, Texas? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Amarillo, TX are White (Non-Hispanic) (52.2%), White (Hispanic) (20.4%), Two+ (Hispanic) (8.59%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (6.66%), and Asian (Non-Hispanic) (3.93%).

Why is Amarillo's crime rate so high? ›

The number of aggravated assaults in Amarillo is a concern for law enforcement. Amarillo's crime rate is influenced by factors such as drug activity and gang violence.

What is the downside of living in Amarillo Texas? ›

Work, family, and financial issues – including housing and food insecurity, both prevalent issues in Amarillo and the Texas Panhandle – far outweighed reported concerns about crime or other health issues.

What is Amarillo nickname? ›

The city is also known as "The Yellow Rose of Texas" (as the city takes its name from the Spanish word for yellow), "Yellow City" for its name, and "Rotor City, USA" for its V-22 Osprey hybrid aircraft assembly plant. Amarillo operates one of the largest meat-packing areas in the United States.

Are the people in Amarillo Texas friendly? ›

Visitors and locals alike are quick to tout the city's open skies and open arms, as the expansive horizons result in epic sunsets and residents have a reputation for friendliness. Beyond those highlights, visitors are often surprised at Amarillo's diversity.

Is the Texas Tribune a newspaper? ›

The Texas Tribune is an established leader in the field of journalism as a digital-first news site, devoted to promoting civic engagement through data applications, statewide events and enterprise reporting on a range of topics, including public and higher education, health and human services, the economy, immigration, ...

What is the name of the Lubbock newspaper? ›

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal is a newspaper based in Lubbock, Texas, United States. It is owned by Gannett.

Where is the Amarillo Globe News? ›

Amarillo Globe News, 600 S Tyler St, Ste 600, Amarillo, TX - MapQuest.

How do I contact Amarillo Globe News? ›

  1. 900 S Harrison St. Amarillo, TX 79101.
  2. (806) 376-4488.

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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.