502 Bad Gateway Error: Solutions And Insights (2024)

Experiencing a 502 Bad Gateway error? Don’t brush it off too quickly. While a simple refresh often resolves a one-off, recurring errors might signal deeper issues.

If left unattended, these can snowball into significant challenges: Dwindling traffic, poor user experience, and elevated security risks, to name a few.

It’s important to root out the cause of the issue as soon as possible, whether it’s WordPress errors or something else.

The bad news: A variety of potential server-side issues could be throwing the error. The good news is that those error codes you see? They’re your map to effective troubleshooting.

We’ll explain in simple terms what the 502 Bad Gateway error is, why it happens, and most importantly, how to make it disappear.

Let’s get started.

What Is The 502 Bad Gateway Error?

First of all, a little bit of a crash course on what’s going on behind the scenes may help everything make a bit more sense. After all, knowledge is power, right?

Every time you enter a URL into an address bar and attempt to access a site, your browser sends a request to that site’s server. The server processes that request and then displays the website’s content.

DreamHost Glossary


A server is a computer that stores data. A web server is a type of server that stores and delivers web pages to users. Web servers are connected to the internet and use HTTP to send web pages to users who request them.

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If something were to go wrong, you would instead see an HTTP status code. Then the fun begins.

You’ve probably faced a 404 error (page not found) at least once, if not a hundred times. It’s saying the server was able to process the request, but couldn’t locate the specific page or content.

In contrast, a 502 Bad Gateway error happens when there’s a communication breakdown between two servers. The first server relayed the message but received an invalid response from the upstream (or next) server.

In other words, the server, which acts as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from an inbound server and was not able to fulfill the request.

Depending on the browser you use, the status may appear in a handful of different ways:

  • 502 Bad Gateway
  • 502 Proxy Error
  • Error 502
  • HTTP Error 502 – Bad Gateway
  • Temporary Error (502)
  • 502 Service Temporarily Overloaded
502 Bad Gateway Error: Solutions And Insights (1)

The HTTP 502 server error isn’t limited to a problem with a proxy server or server overload, so let’s dig in a little further and look at some common causes.

What Causes The 502 Bad Gateway Error?

Several issues can return a 502 Bad Gateway error. These include:

  • An unresolved domain name – There could be connectivity issues between the domain name and your IP address. This often happens when a website recently migrated from one web host to a new hosting provider, and the DNS server hasn’t had time to propagate.
  • An oversensitive firewall – If your website (perhaps a WordPress site with a firewall plugin) or your web host has firewall settings that are too restrictive, some Internet providers or IP addresses may be blocked. This can happen when the firewall detects them as a false threat.
  • Server overload – A sudden spike in traffic can cause the origin server to crash. If your website’s server is on a shared hosting plan, your traffic can be impacted by everybody else’s traffic (like your neighbors are having a big party, and their guests are taking up all the parking spots.)

Having said the above, it should be noted that the 502 Bad Gateway error isn’t restricted to problems with the server. Client-side issues such as outdated browsers or corrupted files in the browser cache can also be a cause of the status error.

How Do You Fix The 502 Bad Gateway Error? (9 Possible Solutions)

Now, let’s look at how to fix the 502 Bad Gateway error! We’ll cover two scenarios: an issue on the client side and a problem with the server.

1. Refresh The Webpage And Try A Different Browser

We should always start with the simplest solution. The 502 Bad Gateway error could be a temporary issue. For example, the web server may have become overloaded for a few minutes or experienced a brief surge in traffic.

Try waiting a few minutes and refresh the page. If that doesn’t work, you can try accessing the same site using a different browser. If that works, then the issue may be with the original browser. If the page still doesn’t open, the website itself may be the problem.

Another way to determine whether the problem is on your end or at the web server is to use a tool like Down for Everyone or Just Me, or Is It Down Right Now to confirm whether the problem is on your end or with the site’s host.

502 Bad Gateway Error: Solutions And Insights (2)

Using one of these tools will identify the status of your site. If your site isn’t down for everyone, you’ll need to troubleshoot on your end, and the first several steps below will help with that. If your site is down for everyone, you’ll need to check into your site’s backend to find the source of the problem, which will be addressed later in the post.

2. Test Using Another Device

Assuming you’ve been using your computer and ISP, try to access your website from your cell phone. First, go to your phone’s settings and turn off your wifi, then make sure your mobile data is enabled. If you’re able to access your site, the problem is at your end, and rebooting your network may fix the issue.

To reboot your network, shut your computer down, then unplug your modem and router. If you have an integrated modem and wifi router, unplug it, wait for about a minute, then plug in your modem and let it reboot. Then plug in your router and let it boot up. If you have integrated hardware, plug it in and let it boot.

Finally, start your computer and try to access your site.

3. Clear Your Browser’s Cache

Browsers store a lot of data, primarily to help pages load faster the next time they’re opened. However, your browser cache may contain outdated site data or corrupted files, leading to the Bad Gateway error.

Based on this, the next thing to do is clear your browser cache. Depending on which browser you use, steps may vary.

If you use Mozilla Firefox, access the hamburger menu (three horizontal bars) at the top right. Go to History > Clear recent history.

502 Bad Gateway Error: Solutions And Insights (3)

From there, you’ll open a new menu and further options. If you were able to access your site without issue yesterday, then you can choose Today in the time range field, select Cache — you can deselect the other options if you want — and then click Clear Now.

502 Bad Gateway Error: Solutions And Insights (4)

For the most part, the process will be much the same if you’re using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari, or something else. If you’re unsure, check the process for clearing cache in other browsers for specific details.

If you try to access your site after clearing the cache and still get a status error, move on to the next step.

4. Flush The DNS Cache

A 502 Bad Gateway error could also be caused by a Domain Name System (DNS) issue. For example, if you’ve just migrated your site to a new web host, the propagation process can take up to 48 hours.

However, the issue may also originate with your local DNS cache. This temporary storage on your device contains information about previously visited domain names.

If you’re using Windows, you can flush the DNS cache using the Command Prompt. To access it, type “CMD” into the Windows search on your taskbar, and press Enter.

You’ll now have access to your Command Prompt.

502 Bad Gateway Error: Solutions And Insights (5)

Once the Command Prompt box is open, copy or type the following command:

ipconfig /flushdns

Let it run. When it’s finished, you’ll see a message that says, “Successfully flushed the DNS resolver Cache.”

502 Bad Gateway Error: Solutions And Insights (6)

If you’re using a Mac operating system, enter or copy the following command in the terminal.

dscacheutil -flushcache

If you’re uncomfortable doing either of these, you can also use a third-party service such as Google Public DNS to temporarily change your DNS server.

5. Check Your Site’s Error Log

If your site is down for everyone and the problem is local, you can also check your site’s error logs, which may help you identify the cause of your issue. For example, it may flag a plugin conflict or update as the source of your 502 Bad Gateway error.

Your website’s log files can be accessed via a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client, such as WinSCP or SmartFTP. Once you’ve installed your client of choice, DreamHost provides a comprehensive Knowledge Base entry on accessing your error logs via SFTP.

DreamHost Glossary


Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) is a safer version of the FTP protocol that uses a secure shell data stream.

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6. Deactivate Your Plugins And Themes

Although it doesn’t happen often, a new or updated plugin or theme can cause conflict with other plugins or tools, resulting in a 502 Bad Gateway error.

Since you can’t access your WordPress admin dashboard, you’ll need to deactivate your plugins and themes using an SFTP client.

Once you’ve installed or logged into your SFTP client (see the section above for options) please refer to this DreamHost walkthrough for the steps to deactivate/disable your plugins. Note that you have the option of deactivating all of your plugins at the folder level or any single plugin of choice, perhaps the ones you’ve most recently updated or added.

When you’ve completed that step, try accessing your site again. If it’s up and running, log into your dashboard, access your plugins menu, and reactivate each deactivated plugin individually. Each time, make sure you refresh the page to determine if you still have access to your dashboard.

If you identify that a plugin is causing the status code error, either disable or delete it until the developer has released a fix.

If the problem didn’t originate from one of your plugins, you can go through this entire process again, except this time, focus on your Themes folder. Or carry on to the next possible fix.

7. Disable Your CDN Or Firewall

If everything so far has failed, the next thing to check is your Content Delivery Network (CDN) or firewall. Note that your firewall could be a stand-alone plugin, part of your overall security plugin, or implemented by your host.

DreamHost Glossary


CDN is an abbreviation for “Content Delivery Network”. It refers to a geographically-distributed network of web servers (and their data centers). The entities that make up a CDN collaborate to ensure speedy content delivery via the internet.

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If you’re using Cloudflare, you can check to see if there are any reported issues. For example, the server might be undergoing scheduled maintenance:

502 Bad Gateway Error: Solutions And Insights (7)

If maintenance isn’t the issue, you can also try deactivating both your CDN and firewall through your host’s control panel. Since all hosts do not use the same control panel, it’s recommended that you contact them for assistance.

8. Restart PHP And Increase Your PHP Limits

The 502 Gateway Error could also be caused by a PHP timeout issue. This happens when the PHP process takes longer than the maximum load time and the request timed out.

Restarting PHP may help resolve your connectivity issues. Most hosts provide an option to restart your services via your control panel but if you don’t see that, you may want to ask them to do this for you.

Unfortunately, changing your server’s max_execution_time or max_input_time values may be necessary. By default, WordPress has these values set to 300 seconds, but you can increase PHP execution time via your host’s control panel, or reaching out to their technical support and asking them to do it for you.

9. Contact Your Hosting Provider

If you’ve been through the previous steps and nothing has helped, it’s time to consider contacting your hosting provider. There may be a server issue that’s affecting your site. Unfortunately, if that’s the case, there’s nothing you can do except wait for them to fix it.

Additionally, they may be able to identify the source of your 502 Bad Gateway error and walk you through a solution. Many hosts offer 24/7 support via chat and should be able to resolve the issue quickly.

Solve The 502 Bad Gateway Error

The 502 Gateway Error is typically caused by a problem at the server. For instance, it may have experienced a spike in traffic that’s affecting performance and availability. However, the error could also be triggered by plugin conflicts and updates.

To troubleshoot the problem, start by clearing your browser cache and local DNS cache to rule out any issues on your end. Then, you can try disabling your plugins, themes, CDN, and firewall. If you’re still experiencing problems, consider contacting your hosting provider for assistance.

If you’re on a shared hosting plan, your 502 error may be because of another website’s traffic spikes. DreamHost offers VPS hosting that provides you with isolated resources and better performance, giving you more control and room to grow. Learn more about our VPS Hosting plans.

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Luke Odom

Luke is the Director of IT Operations. He is responsible for the teams that keep operations running smoothly... In his free time, he enjoys reading fantasy/sci-fi and hanging out with his wife and 4 kids. Connect with Luke on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luke-odom-039986a/

502 Bad Gateway Error: Solutions And Insights (2024)


How to fix a 502 Bad Gateway error? ›

How Do You Fix The 502 Bad Gateway Error? (9 Possible Solutions)
  1. Refresh The Webpage And Try A Different Browser. ...
  2. Test Using Another Device. ...
  3. Clear Your Browser's Cache. ...
  4. Flush The DNS Cache. ...
  5. Check Your Site's Error Log. ...
  6. Deactivate Your Plugins And Themes. ...
  7. Disable Your CDN Or Firewall. ...
  8. Restart PHP And Increase Your PHP Limits.
Nov 8, 2023

Is a 502 Bad Gateway my fault? ›

You can receive this error when visiting a website that gets an invalid response from its host server or experiences other issues, such as server overloads, network problems, and configuration issues. The 502 bad gateway error doesn't mean something is wrong with your device or internet connection.

What is 502 Bad Gateway response example? ›

Example. In the example, the client requests a resource and the server responds with a 502 Bad Gateway status code because the server that it attempted to retrieve the resource from returned an invalid HTTP response. GET /news HTTP/1.1 Host: www.example.re.

How to fix NGINX 502 Bad Gateway? ›

Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing a 502 Error
  1. Restart Nginx: Sometimes, a simple server restart can resolve temporary glitches or misconfigurations.
  2. Check server resources: Ensure that your server has enough CPU, memory, and disk space to handle incoming requests.
Mar 30, 2024

Is 502 Bad Gateway permanent? ›

While the 502 Bad Gateway error is usually indicating a networking error outside of your control, it could be extremely temporary. Trying the page again will often be successful.

What does 502 Bad Gateway translate to? ›

502 Bad Gateway meaning

A 502 Bad Gateway is an HTTP status code you see when you want to view a web page, but the web server cannot complete the request. The web browser wanted to communicate with the server, but it failed.

What is error 502 Bad Gateway origin? ›

An HTTP 502 status code (Bad Gateway) indicates that CloudFront wasn't able to serve the requested object because it couldn't connect to the origin server. If you're using Lambda@Edge, the issue might be a Lambda validation error.

What is 502 Bad Gateway load balancing? ›

HTTP 502: Bad gateway

Possible causes: The load balancer received a TCP RST from the target when attempting to establish a connection. The load balancer received an unexpected response from the target, such as "ICMP Destination unreachable (Host unreachable)", when attempting to establish a connection.

What is 502 Bad Gateway registered endpoint? ›

Webserver overload: If a webserver reaches its limit, it can't answer any more requests — the gateway then delivers the status code 502 Bad Gateway. The reason could be an unexpectedly high interest in the site or even a DDoS attack.

What is 502 Bad Gateway usage? ›

What does a 502 Bad Gateway error mean? An Error 502 Bad Gateway appears when a browser is unable to connect to a website's host server, blocking access to content across that particular domain. This type of error will not be unique to one user and instead will appear for anyone trying to access the website's content.

What is a 502 bad response? ›

The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 502 Bad Gateway server error response code indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server.

What is the status code 502 Bad Gateway? ›

The 502 Bad Gateway error is an HTTP status code that occurs when a server acting as a gateway or proxy receives an invalid or faulty response from another server in the communication chain.

How do I get rid of bad gateway 502? ›

How to Fix the 502 Bad Gateway Error
  1. Refresh the Page.
  2. Check the Site Status.
  3. Clear Your Browser Cache.
  4. Try in the Incognito Mode.
  5. Flush the DNS Cache.
  6. Test on Another Device.
  7. Check Error Logs.
  8. Check Plugins and Themes.
Jun 2, 2024

What is 502 Bad Gateway ingress service? ›

502 Bad Gateway is an error that can occur at the conatiner, pod, service, or Ingree level, and can also represent a problem with the ingress or the underlying nodes.

How to resolve 502 Bad Gateway in AWS? ›

If you're running a single instance then a 502 error means that you've connected successfully to the instance but the web server software (Apache, IIS, etc) is not configured correctly. In this case, if it is intermittent then there is some issue on the instance itself. Check the log files and see what is happening.

How do I fix 502 Bad Gateway on server side? ›

Fixes for a 502 Bad Gateway error
  1. Refresh your browser. (Image: © Future) ...
  2. Clear your browser's cache. (Image: © Future) ...
  3. Temporarily disable your firewall. (Image: © Future) ...
  4. Check with monitoring sites. (Image: © Downdetector) ...
  5. Use a VPN. (Image: © Surfshark) ...
  6. Examine web server logs.
Jul 23, 2024

How do I get rid of 502 Bad Gateway on Chromebook? ›

-Clear the cookies and browser cache in Chrome. If the above do not help, it may be an extension of Chrome that is causing the issue. If the site works fine in "Incognito Mode", then its likely a Chrome extension that is blocking the usage. To disable an extension, type chrome://extensions in the address bar.

Why does 502 Bad Gateway error occur when trying to turn on wifi calling? ›

In this case, the servers needed to communicate to turn on Wi-Fi calling can't communicate with each other, thus the feature can't be enabled. Unfortunately, 502 errors typically require a fix to be implemented by the web server or proxies in question and can't be fixed by a user.

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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

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Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.